The Team

Rian Sousa
Founder & developer
Rian created CodeCampKidz to introduce app development to kids in a fun and achievable way. He is a 20+ year veteran of the Boston Software Industry with roots in software going back to 1984 when he wrote his first program in BASIC on an Apple II using flow charts. He founded one of the 1st web development companies in the Boston area (AdsOnline) in 1995 shortly after Netscape went public and successfully sold it a few years later. He has worked on over 45 development projects in the Boston area throughout the years in a variety of programming languages and has taught web development on a voluntary and paid basis.

Judith Wisnia
Focus group organizer, consultant and lead tester
Judith is a speech/language pathologist who has been practicing for over 40 years. She has expertise in developmental disabilities, language based learning and reading disorders and adult neurogenics. She founded Judith Wisnia and Associates in 1980, and helped develop the Wisnia-Kapp Reading Programs (“WKRP”) in 1990. In 1992 she began offering sensory integrative occupational therapy and tutoring services, including executive function training. In 2013 she began offering alternative and augmentative communication services. Judith is a member of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, the International Dyslexia Association, the Academy of Private Practice in Speech Pathology and Audiology, and the Council for Exceptional Children.