Making the mind grow

When you are a teacher it's important to know that students will not learn the same way as the others. Whether you are a teacher, a parent, or a guardian if you are working with children you need to find a way for them to learn. Though this article is made to find learning methods that you can use for children I believe it could benefit anyone. For example, you may have been taught only one way so it may have been difficult in school or whatever you do now. Learning these methods might help you find a way to make things easier for you to learn new things in the future. Before we get started, I will show you a few examples in this article, but do remember these are only the main five learning methods so some children(or yourself) may not be able to learn this way. Now let's get started!

Now, the five main learning styles are Visual, Aural, Verbal, Physical, and Logical. Now please the watch the video below to understand the basis of what they are.

What do you think of these few learning styles? Do you or someone you know seem to fall into one of these categories? It's completely fine of you/someone you know doesn't. Like I said before these are the main five learning styles so there might be other styles that would work better for you or someone else.

Visual Learning

open your eyes

Visual learners such as I learn things by a visual representation. Examples of this could be watching a video, watching someone do something in person, or seeing a step-by-step process with images. Let's put this into a real-life example. Let's paint a little scenario of a dancer who is a visual learner being taught by their instructor. No matter how much they try listening to the instructor explain with words how they want it done the dancer just cannot get it right. The dancer asks their instructor to show them how they want it done hoping that they will be able to understand what they are supposed to do fully. Let's take a quick pause. Do you remember what I said about visual learners needing it to be step by step? Unfortunately, sometimes even being shown what is wanted from the visual learner it is too fast for them to get a grasp of what is needed. If you are a visual learner, ask the person you're talking to go slow enough so you can do a better job. If you are the instructor figure, try to slow down when giving instructions. People may be too embarrassed to ask you to go slower so try to remember to slow down.

Aural Learning

When dealing with someone who is an aural learner don't confuse them with being a verbal learner. They do kind of sound the same but, I promise you they are different. So aural learners usually learn best using sound as their tool. Think of it as how you can remember a song. Some people can think of a song and remember it exactly or very close to how it sounds and if it has lyrics remember lyrics. You'll see this a lot with people who are musically inclined but it doesn't mean every musician is an aural learner. Aural learners can usually tell a lot by their hearing. When having to teach aural learners try to get straight to the point. This will make it easier for the aural learner to remember what you said. Adding too much information will confuse them and forget the important details. An aural learner could have a great memory but they won't remember everything. Try and remember the whole conversation that you had with someone you had a deep conversation with recently. You can't, huh? So don't expect them to. If you are an aural learner or think you are if someone gives you too much information when you are trying to get information try to summarize it down. In your head make mental bullet points. Such as whatever they said to do first then whatever came after that then so on and so on. If you're brave enough you feel brave enough tell them to get to the point though I personally never would.

Verbal Learning

Alright I think we can collectively agree that when we first hear this we think it's aural learning right? In a sense this is true but not all the time. Mostly it just has to do with words. This could be in a conversation or just reading something like in a manual or an article. Basically what you're doing now. Giving a description through words can help people who are verbal learners create an image in their head at times to understand things. This is not the only thing that the words help verbal learners with. Sometimes writing something can help them remember certain details. For example, if you have ever had to write an essay for a summary of a story in school you tend to forget everything that you didn't write down way easier than what you did write down. When with verbal learning it may be helpful to use very descriptive and specific words to help describe what you want them to learn. Remember to stay to the point when teaching them the important stuff. And back to descriptive words remember not to make them too difficult to understand. Just make the words age-level appropriate. You don't want them to make them think that you consider them to be illiterate. Along with giving them verbal information try not to use a condescending tone when they are in second grade or higher; It's just honestly rude in itself. I know it's not meant to be but at times when they ask for your help, it makes them feel like you don't take them seriously. It could also cause them to not ask for help and teaching is meant to help and should be a safe place for students to ask questions.

Physical Learning

Physical learning is more commonly known as hands-on learning. It's exactly as how it sounds. These physical learners learn better when doing. During school, you may have done this a lot during science-related classes while doing labs, art, music, and Physical Education(P.E). Most classes won't have a lot of things for hands-on learners such as English, History, and Math. This makes it very hard for hands-on learners. If you are a teacher it might be helpful to make a project that may require them to get hands-on like an art project, poster, or some kind of form of presentation showing what they have learned.

Logical Learning

Logical learners like to use logic. When trying to learn these kinds of learners need there to be some sense of logic for it to make sense. Things like math where it follows logic and needs logic to work will really help a logical learner. They usually work better when everything is organized and always follows a precise set of rules. When you have a logical learner try to have everything make sense as well as follow a usual schedule.

Visual Aural Verbal Physical Logical
Visual learning requires to look at how something is done or what it looks like. Aural learning requires to have something with sound to learn. Verbal learning requires to have things described with words to learn. Physical learning requires to learn while doing. Logical learning requires to have structure while learning.

Thank you for reading my article.

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